Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Message from a Mutant

A mutant is an individual, organism, or new genetic character arising or resulting from an instance of mutation, which is a base-pair sequence change within the DNA of a gene or chromosome of an organism resulting in the creation of a new character or trait not found in the wild type.

The natural occurrence of genetic mutations is integral to the process of evolution.

Mutation is generally accepted by the scientific community as the mechanism upon which natural selection acts, providing the advantageous new traits that survive and multiply in offspring or disadvantageous traits that die out with weaker organisms.


My mission on the Cosmic Scale

The manifestation of one family and one community that gives full credence to the diversity of existence, yet encompasses that diversity through relationships that are complimentary and cooperative.

More Specific

I am a representative of the sacred feminine. By this I am not referring to gender, but a quality of consciousness. I am defining the sacred feminine as that substance which has no shape or form, yet encompasses and allows for the existence of all forms.

That is why the nature of my work is so difficult to describe within our current paradigm. It is about the very essence that allows for expression and diversity to come into being, but also holds the possibility for those different parts to interrelate and see themselves as part of a whole.

Even More Specific

My work is with people. As a gardener tends to, cultivates, and cares for the outer landscape of nature, managing the complex relationships of organisms that make up the garden in an interrelated tapestry, I tend to the inner landscape of human nature.

My domain is that of relationship. I make myself responsible for the ecosystems of emotions, visions, creation, expression, and divine inspiration within an individual and groups.

When I look around, the ingredient I most feel is missing is true understanding. Having myself experienced the pain of being misunderstood and mismanaged, I set forth into the world to provide understanding and support to as many people as I can.

When a person feels seen, there is no mistaking the experience. It is like setting a caged bird free. The setting free of the other, is the setting free of oneself, which is something that can be physiologically experienced. When one adds to the mental and conceptual sphere, emotions and intuitive intelligence, it becomes possible to literally travel through time and space, and find where the other is. Both viewer and viewed are traveling through their own fields of identity. The place where they finally meet is altogether different from either ones' isolated reality. It is a new place, composed of both realities, like the creation of a child.

This embodies our creative heritage. Social interaction that's built on that kind of engagement is fluid, formless, and has the capacity to form heartfelt agreements, allowing each individual to be heard, acknowledged, and therefore to join consciously into the cosmic dance of our universal family.

The benefits of adopting an intuitive, improvised approach for design are boundless. Life simply does not present itself in neat, predictable, pre-arranged ways. Problems that are approached with these kinds of solutions don't work, because they simply aren't multidimensional enough to encompass the full diversity that pure intelligence has to offer.

These ideas are nice, but what kind of action are you taking?

Most of my work deals with mentoring. I take interest in people, and mentor them into how they can meet the other, whether it is within or without. Because I don't have the resources yet to base myself out of one place, I travel about, meet with people, and organize and facilitate circles where people begin to hear each other out and learn about each other. The intention is to build communities of people who will take an active interest in the condition and fate of other people, and in formless, creative, and innovative ways provide aid and support in addressing the challenges of each individual involved.

I use music, dance, and drama to bring people into a place where they can know their authentic self. My work with performance also includes using myself as a graph unto which people can project various qualities, feelings, or questions, which I then mirror back through movement, so they can look at them from an objective perspective. I teach people how to move, and how to make music.

I also institute social sculptures that are aimed at bringing people into a space of connection beyond concepts. These initiatives are always easy to implement, requiring no special equipment or space. They tend to be unconventional, and require participation of the mind and body. One example of such a sculpture, is the "Carry Project".

To learn more about it you can go to


My disclaimer is that even though these are descriptions of specific things I am doing, they do not accurately describe the full scope of my work. My work is to embody and infuse that substance-less quality, which makes creation possible. That's what I do. The variety of expressions are limitless, and there is no way for me to predict or encompass that in words.

In closing

My life is about serving the world in its shift of consciousness. I not only work internally, but take creative action to bring about change in the way we treat each other, to move closer towards the ideal of harmony and beauty.

For the time being I am transitory, traveling to where people show interest in what I have to say. I believe that we are in a time where duality no longer is possible. Therefore, the spiritual and material worlds can't function in separation any more, but have to be seen as parts of a whole. That means that people who have material success also diserve time and space to cultivate spiritual success, and people who have spiritual wealth diserve to be supported in the material world.

So, please enjoy this at the level you feel inspired by. The major function of this journal is to share my work, my journey, my epiphanies, my experience, and my life. Even the most delicious dish becomes more enjoyable when we share the experience with someone else. Expression becomes sacred when there is a witness, and the same holds true the other way around.

The most delicious dish I have ever tasted, is true understanding.

Feel free to write and ask questions. I like to be engaged.

Until the next time.

